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Cavalor Sw-Itch
Cavalor Sw-Itch
Cavalor Sw-Itch

Cavalor Sw-Itch

€43,00Inkl. MwSt.

Packaging: bottle of 500 ml Lesen Sie mehr..

Lieferzeit 2-3 wochen
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Cavalor SwItch has been specially developed for horses that are sensitive to skin irritation and/or itching due to weather conditions or insect bites. SwItch protects your horse against uncontrollable itching.

CAVALOR SwItch has been specially developed for horses that are sensitive to seasonal skin irritation, also known as summer eczema. Summer eczema is the result of an allergic reaction to the saliva of a mosquito which is especially active around sunrise and sunset during the warmer months (from March to October). This reaction causes an incessant itching and as a result the horse starts to rub. Not all horses are allergic to this mosquito³, so the reactions vary from horse to horse.

Breeds such as Icelanders, Shire, Welsh ponies and Friesians seem to be more sensitive to this allergy, and some bloodlines also appear to be more susceptible than others, which shows that an allergic reaction is genetically determined. Changes in the feed can also affect the reactions. A positive influence can be obtained by limiting the amount of protein and administering the more Omega 3 fatty acids. For this we recommend Wholegain.

A magic syringe against the allergy does not exist, so it is important to avoid contact with the mosquito. Cavalor SwItch keeps the culprit at a distance, and keeps the itching under control so that your horse does not suffer from incessant itching.

Apply Sw-Itch to the affected skin every day as soon as you notice the skin irritation. To control the itching, use Sw-Itch 2 to 7 days a week.




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Packaging: bottle of 500 ml

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